Inland Rail Project

Rail Project Summary

As our region transforms into a major transport and logistics hub, further investment in rail projects will provide the final piece of the logistical infrastructure.

With the completion of Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport and the Second Range Crossing, no other region has seen the scale of investment in logistics infrastructure to support the growth of new industry and opportunity. Rail connectivity to major distribution hubs and ports in Melbourne and Brisbane will ensure national distribution, reducing the number of trucks on the road, decreasing transportation costs and also boosting the economy of the Toowoomba region by bringing new industry and investment.

The scale of investment in transport infrastructure is set to continue with commitments from Federal and State Governments to connect our region via new rail corridors. This investment commitment not only brings new jobs in the construction of these projects, but also jobs in operations and maintenance phase and new investment looking to capitalise on this regional infrastructure.

Impact on the Region

The pipeline of rail projects is expected to bring an estimated economic stimulus of $7.3 billion coupled with an estimated 7,200 jobs to Queensland.The largest of these rail projects is the Inland Rail project. When completed, it will connect Melbourne to Brisbane via 1,700km of new track to support a new national rail freight network.

The construction of the $11.2 billion national Inland Rail has been broken up into 13 construction sections. The Toowoomba and Darling Downs region will be home to two of the largest and most complex sections of this rail project.

Due to the geography and topography, the two sections proposed for our region will mean that 60% of the $11.2 billion project will be undertaken in our region.

The engineering challenges of traversing the Great Dividing Range and passing over the Condamine flood plain means we will need substantial and significant infrastructure construction, including a new 6.5km tunnel. There is also the need for world's best engineering and construction practice to deliver the largest section of new track to be built across the Condamine flood plain, meaning that our region will have three to four years of significant construction to complete these sections.

To ensure we can fully maximise the economic and social contribution that these rail projects can bring, we need to fully understand our regional business capability, experience and skills.

How can businesses get involved?

Regional businesses can register their capabilities through a questionnaire, designed to help major project buyers understand goods and services available in this region. Completing the questionnaire and registering will increase visibility of the business and provide insight into where they can target work packages on major projects, such as Inland Rail.

Businesses are asked to provide their details and nominate their skills sets against a list of major procurement items, goods and services, professional and social services ideally used for major rail projects, including tunnel infrastructure. Together, with general business information, this will allow TSBE to produce a directory to showcase our regional supply chain.

To get started on your business capability questionnaire, register below.

Register Privacy Statement

TSBE would like to acknowledge local supporters

TSBE would like to thank Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) for all their help and support with major rail projects


If you have a question or concern regarding major projects associated with TSBE, feel free to give us a call or submit a form below and someone from our team will be in touch.

07 4639 4600

Postal Address
PO Box 658, Toowoomba QLD 4350

Street Address
6 Ann St, Toowoomba City QLD 4350

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Privacy information for the TSBE Supplier Portal

By registering your business as a Supplier or Buyer, you agree for your information to be shared with appropriate businesses on request for the purpose of project opportunities. If you do not wish to have your information shared with buyers or suppliers, please specify when creating your account. Only buyers with account privileges, approved by TSBE, will be able to access your information. You may be required to fill out additional surveys that relate to other projects listed on the suppliers portal website, this will be sent as an email or notification through the suppliers portal.